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  • Writer's pictureDeborah


Colossians 3:23 ESV

From the Jar

On the subject of jobs, I’ve done almost every kind of work there is to do. At least I’ve done every kind of job I’m physically able to do!

When people see me they think that’s pretty funny because I’m 4’11” tall and I weigh about as much as a normal 5th grader.

I’ve been a babysitter for two rambunctious and very precocious preschoolers.

I’ve been a waitress at Denny’s for the graveyard shift.

I’ve worked for a non-profit organization where I made little girl’s dresses.

I’ve worked in fabric’s and crafts and worked the check out counter for one of America’s largest discount stores.

I’ve worked in a department store selling clothing.

I’ve been an ice cream truck driver. I drove a jeep that had an old style stick and a large ice cream van.

I’ve been a railroad clerk and walked the tracks at night.

I’ve been a photo-journalist.

I’ve been a newspaper editor for a county paper.

I’ve been an office manager.

I’ve taught a college class.

I’ve worked in a college library.

I’ve been a portrait photographer.

I’ve made picture frames and framed portraits.

I’ve worked in a call center and I’ve been a executive mortgage specialist for a large bank.

I’ve written and published a few books (but none are in print now.)

I’ve taught classes on many different subjects (like how to give a speech) and I’ve preached sermons.

Colossians 3:23 says, “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.”

Since I’ve been ministry most of my life, I pitched in and worked wherever I’ve been needed. In church I’ve taught preschool, grade school, junior high, high school, adult Sunday school, and I’ve been Vacation Bible School Director when no one else would take the job.

I’ve written Bible Studies and taught many women’s Bible Studies.

I always thought it was interesting and enlightening to learn new skills and I was always willing to work any kind of job I could get. You can look at the list and tell that I never made a lot of money. I did make friends, I laughed a lot, and I learned new skills.

When we moved to a new church in a new town I loved the idea of asking God to teach me new things. Each time we moved, I asked God to show me where I could go to work. God always opened interesting doors. I’ve never really applied for a job and interviewed. Jobs just seemed to fall into my lap. Most of the time, people would ask me if I would come work for them. I’d say, “well alrighty then, let’s do it.”

My last job as a blogger is my dream job. I love to write about God, how God has helped me and how very much God loves us. When I started blogging I realized I needed to have a lot of illustrations with my blog posts. Since I’ve been a photographer for over 30 years the photographs are a given. Doing illustrations has been very challenging, but I’ve found that I LOVE learning digital drawing. I am on a learning curve!

Whatever I do and however I do it (however it turns out), I do it for God. I don’t remember thinking I was working for God when I was young, but as I aged I trusted God to provide jobs and help to do those jobs.

When God called me to go to Seminary I was in my 50’s and I thought it was an insane idea. I fought it at first, but eventually I told God I would do whatever was needed.

I couldn’t see myself being a Pastor. While I do guest speaking (in college I majored in Speech Communication), I’ve never felt called to Pastor.

If God ever decides to move me in that direction, I know I will be given what is needed to complete the job. God has been very good to me and has never failed to provide.

God always provides. Always.

Today’s Spiritual Practice is: Work for God

Consider dedicating whatever you do and however you work to God.

In God, Deborah


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