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Armor of Light

Writer's picture: DeborahDeborah

Series: Advent

Romans 13:11-14 ESV

Sometimes it seems strange that even though I’ve been in church all my life I do not recall ever hearing a sermon on this passage of scripture.

I have to admit finding it and reading it gave me great delight.

I think that’s because I’m a bit of a visual creature and I immediately pictured ‘stage lights’ shining brightly. That’s probably because from the time I was thirteen I ‘took’ to the stage.

I still remember my first speech contest. Oral Interpretation was my area of concentration. I was also always active in drama club.

I see life in pictures.

In Romans 13:11-14 we are told, “Besides this you know the time, that the hour has come for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed. The night is far gone; the day is at hand. So then let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light. Let us walk properly as in the daytime, not in orgies and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and sensuality, not in quarreling and jealousy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires.”

And so…we cast off the darkness and we put on the light.

It’s interesting that the darkness is identified as orgies, drunkenness, sexual and sensual immorality, quarreling, and jealousy.

They are part of the darkness.

I have to admit except for the quarreling and jealousy I know very little about some of the works of darkness. But being the church I have dealt with quarreling and jealousy.

I’m not exactly sure why but I’m not one to quarrel with others and I’ve been told I am not a fair opponent. Extensive study’s in Argumentation and Debate in high school, college, and graduate school offered training in discussion and logic. I have been told it’s difficult to argue a point with me and win.

My debate professors would smile at that.

Because of studying argumentation for twelve years (seven of those years were in Seminary) I have a different approach to differences of opinion.

In other words holding a different opinion is totally acceptable. I present my thoughts and opinions and they present their thoughts and opinions. I learn from them and they learn from me. It’s a win win.

Jealousy is approached in much the same way. I may ‘sit with’ someone who presents a great argument but I learn from them. When we are focused on learning from another person’s point of view we are not envious of their point of view.

We are simply grateful that we met them.

Knowing their point of view can enriche us.

However, if someone’s point of view was that drinking to the point of becoming intoxicated is acceptable, I would simply state my view. I would not belittle them.

I would not force them to accept my belief.

The point is, i would speak to them in love. It’s not my love…it’s God’s love for them.

Knowing that Jesus loves them and wants His light and healing for them becomes the focus. As I sit with them I silently pray that the Spirit of God would speak to them. We cannot expect them to instantly receive what we say.

Only God is capable of reaching them.

There have been times when I have witnessed God working in someone’s life after we spoke and there have been times when I spoke to a stranger, silently prayed for them and I never saw them again.

Each time I remember I am not in charge.

God is…

And I leave it with God.

If God brings that person to mind after the meeting, I pray for them again. I met a young woman when I was 30 who was about ten years younger. Through the years God has brought her back to me and I pray for her. I do not remember her name and I do not know how she is struggling. I am a visual person and when God brings her to my mind I visualize God’s armor of light covering her.

THAT is the prayer.

It is enough.

Spiritual Practice: Light

Think of someone you know who needs God’s light, or ask God to show you someone who needs the light of God. Ask God to cover them with Armor of Light.

In God, Deborah


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