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Writer's picture: DeborahDeborah

Series: Always Relevant: God Is…

Mark 6:31 AMP

Psalm 42:1-5 NIRV

Take time to sit silently in a secluded place to pray.

Let the noise of this world fade away.

When a random thought comes to you, let it fly away like a bird. While random thoughts can be helpful, for this exercise they are a distraction you do not need.

You may wonder why this exercise is important.

Simply put, it’s what Jesus told His disciples to do.

You are a disciple.

In Mark 6:31 we learn, “He said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a little while”—for there were many [people who were continually] coming and going, and they could not even find time to eat.”

When I first started going to sit with a Spiritual Director years ago, I didn’t know what to expect. I did research Spiritual Direction and I found books for read about it.

I found out that it is an ancient tradition. The information I read at the time said it dates back to the Desert Fathers to the 4th Century (

I laugh about it now but when I started my journey of learning about Spiritual Practices and Spiritual Direction I was totally clueless. I had been a Christian all my life and I thought I knew something about prayer and God. When I started seeing a Spiritual Director I knew nothing about sitting in silence. I did not know how to still my mind.

I was a member of a great church that had an active prayer ministry but I discovered I had a great deal to learn.

Even today after completing Seminary (which requires 144 hours of graduate school level hours), sitting with a Spiritual Director for several years, going to Spiritual Direction Conferences and training, and reading everything I found about Spiritual Direction, I have only just scratched the surface.

What I do know for certain is that I have a longing to sit in silence with God. I long to hear God.

In Psalm 42:1-5 the Sons of Korah wrote,

“A deer longs for streams of water.

God, I long for you in the same way.

I am thirsty for God. I am thirsty for the living God.

When can I go and meet with him?

My tears have been my food day and night.

All day long people say to me,

“Where is your God?”

When I remember what has happened,

I tell God all my troubles.

I remember how I used to walk to the house of God.

The Mighty One guarded my steps.

We shouted with joy and praised God

as we went along with the joyful crowd.

My spirit, why are you so sad?

Why are you so upset deep down inside me?

Put your hope in God.”

I didn’t count how many times but my Spiritual Director told me over and over again to sit with the silence. That means turning off the telly and the music…yes, even the music.

I’ve found that even when some noise is on, my brain turns to that noise. In the silence, I only have the silence.

According to 16th Century mystic St. John of the Cross, “silence is God’s first language.”

I pondered that and imagined God sitting in silence before creation began. I think of sitting in an auditorium after the orchestra is seated and settled. The conductor is ready. When he raises his arms everything is totally silent.

Then the music begins.

In that moment of silence we experience hope and anticipation. Even before the first note is played we know the music will be wonderful.

In the silent moments, or hours or days or years before creation began, anticipation and energy WAS.

THAT my friends is what we have the opportunity to experience if we are willing students seeking the wonder of silence.

In preparation of that event, our cloister, our secluded place sets the stage.

When my children were small life was all about running, screaming, dancing to the music, and laughter. It was wonderful, but at the end of the day when they were all tucked in for the night I would retreat to my small back porch where I could sit in silence with the stars. At that time I didn’t even know about the power of silence, but I knew it was a thing I loved. I didn’t know why I loved those moments of quiet serenity, but I cherished them.

Today there are no screaming running children at my house (unless I’m visiting my youngest grandson). The silence of this world is easily sought and found. But I still struggle to calm my mind from the noise of the day.

Even after practicing and finding my cloister place, I still struggle. I still seek the silence.

One of my favorite movies is War Room because the seasoned prayer, the woman who fervently sought God had a quiet space where she could go to pray.

It was her space.

It was her cloister place for in that space in silence, she heard the whisper of God.

I guarantee there’s nothing quite like it on earth.

Spiritual Direction: Your Cloister

Do you have a cloister place? If you don’t, you might want to consider finding a special secluded place where you can sit in silence with God.

In God, Deborah


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About Me

I am a child of God. I can’t remember when God wasn’t part of my life. I served in a church setting for 30+ years and now I seek to help others see and find their sacred space. Daily when we turn to God we begin to recognize where God is at work in our lives.


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