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Writer's pictureDeborah


Series: Always Relevant: God Is…

Exodus 3:15 AMP

The name and nature of God is ineluctable.

Exodus 3:15, “Then God also said to Moses, “This is what you shall say to the Israelites, ‘The Lord, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob (Israel), has sent me to you.’ This is My Name forever, and this is My memorial [name] to all generations.”

I’ve talked with a lot of people about religion and God in my lifetime and even many who believe in God struggle with the thought that God is eternal, we cannot avoid God, God doesn’t change.

God the eternal is difficult for humans to understand. As humans we are not eternal. We can be made eternal through God.

So, what is eternity?

I remember when I was a teenager having a discussion with my dad about the eternal God. He was a ship mechanic in the U.S. Navy during World War II. After he was discharged he went to work and he went to college at night to get a degree in Engineering. He was all about nuts and bolts. He understood moving parts. He was also a Math junkie.

He drew me a picture of an eight that was laying down. It’s the infinity symbol. I asked him why it’s called that. He told me to study the symbol and tell him what I noticed. I told him it goes round and round.

He asked me where it starts. Ummmm…I don’t know.

He asked me where it ends. Well, I said, I don’t know that either.

He said, Good.

What does that tell you?

Oh…it goes on and on.

Right. And so it is with God.


Some people struggle with the idea that we cannot avoid God. That’s because there are people who do avoid believing in God. They refuse to believe and in their unbelief they avoid believing God exists.

I have said that just because we choose to not see God or experience God, that doesn’t mean God isn’t there.

So they want me to prove God is there.

I tell them we have evidence that God exists, but believing the evidence requires faith.

The best way I can explain from a personal perspective is that all my life I’ve had dreams that come true after I have the dream.

I had my first dream from God when I was 14 years old. My dreams have been a guide that I am on the right track or they have been a warning that something is about to happen that will either being pain or bring joy.

If I had dreams and they didn’t come true after the fact, I would turn to psychology to interpret the dreams.

Because I have a long history of dreams that have come true, I know it’s ONE way God communicates with me.

I have documented evidence (a dream log).

I also have visions but they are different in nature. They are like a flash. God has shown me that something is about to happen. I don’t always see the entire movie, but I see one frame.

Once again, they have been proven to be true.

God ineluctable.

We also cannot avoid God because God is everywhere. God’s handiwork is all around us. If we do not acknowledge God is the one who brought order to a formless void, how can we justify the earth we stand on or the stars we see?

If God didn’t create it, then how did it come into being?

This may sound crazy and I am not a philosopher, but I tend to think that because many people have witnessed evidence of the existence of God (for example, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, etc.) and so the burden of proof lies with the unbeliever.

We have millions of examples that God exists, so why do you not believe those accounts?

In other words, prove to me God doesn’t exist.

And if God doesn’t exist, who created what we are standing on? We have a lot of evidence that God does exist but it seems to me we don’t have any evidence that God doesn’t exist.

God is ineluctable.

God is unchanging…reliable. God is the one true thing in my life I know I can count on always. Don’t get me wrong, my parents were (are) great parents but I am a parent. I know how clueless parenting can be. Consistency is one of the most difficult aspects of parenting.

That’s not so with God. I know I can count on God because I can count on God. There have been times when I was confused and I was tired of waiting for an answer, but God always clears the confusion eventually. God gives the answer. It’s not always the answer I want, but I get an answer.

God is the one absolute element in my life that I know will never change.

God is ineluctable/unchanging/reliable. I can always count on God. God’s love never changes. God will never NOT love. THAT will never change.

We cannot avoid God. God is eternal. God is unavoidable. God is unchanging.

Spiritual Practice: What about you?

How has God been apparent, constant, unavoidable, or unchanging?

In God, Deborah


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