I John 4:16 ESV
I get life.
I get how hard it can be.
I watch my sixth born grandson walking. I see how difficult life is for his parents. They fight for him every day.
He has Cerebral Palsy.
He is the kindest gentlest soul I know. He lives many many miles from where I live, but the train takes me to see him.
I love love love the train.
Not only because one of my my Grandfathers was a railroad mechanic and I worked for the railroad when I was younger, I love hearing the ‘clickity click’ mile after mile.
When I last saw my grandson I walked in and I saw him sitting on the floor so I sat down beside him. He turned his head and he was wearing the absolutely biggest smile and he said, “Gramma Debi!”
In an instant he melted my heart.
This precious boy who has struggled every day of his life to breath, eat, crawl, walk, see, and live doesn’t fail to love.
Oh, how he loves.
He is my inspiration.
He gives me hope that I, too can love like he loves.
He teaches me about love.
In 1 John 4:16 we read, “So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.”
I remember the day the twins were born. They were born really really early. My grandson who has C.P. is the oldest of the twin boys. When they were born each twin weighed under 2 pounds.
Then when the boys were 5 days old I got a phone call from my son late one afternoon. He said, “Oh Mom, you gotta come…we’re losing Dean. He has had two brain bleeds.”
I was 12 hours away by train. I told my son I would be in Denver by morning.
I was at a Bible Study in church. I drove home, threw some clothes in a bag and took off for the nearest depot. I called my son when I got to Denver and my grandson was still alive.
I had prayed all night. Clickery-click. Please God. Clickety-click. Oh God.
My son (the father) and his wife prayed. My son had a vision that there would be miracles.
I took a shuttle to the hospital and I got there around 9:30 a.m. on Thursday morning.
My grandson was so tiny and so fragile. The other twin was actually smaller but he was stable.
All of my kids and their spouses came together that week to support my son, his wife, and their boys. My kids all drove or flew in from other states. We all prayed for a miracle.
On Friday the entire family met with the hospital staff nurses and doctors and we were told grim news. While we believed the medical data, we knew that God was IN this. We knew God loved this tiny boy who had suffered two brain bleeds. We knew that whatever happened God would love him.
We did come together and ask God if it’s all the same to Him, we sure would like to keep this tiny frail boy on earth with us. Whoever abides in love abides in God. Yes, we sure would like to keep him around.
That was nearly ten years ago. I’ve taken many late afternoon train rides into Denver since that day. He’s had many many surgeries. He has been part of every kind of physical therapy available. He has worked hard, but what I’ve noticed is that his parents have worked harder. They have not flinched.
The youngest twin is now almost as tall as I am, but I never actually made it to 5 feet. He’s still very tall for his age.
Both boys serve as a reminder that miracles do happen today.
The truth is that from the beginning I knew if both twins survived they would do great things for God. I knew that while they fought to live, God fought harder for them.
God loves them with a mighty mighty huge love.
A while back one day while I was praying God gave me a huge gift. I saw two grown blonde headed blue eyed boys. One of them was really tall. The other one wasn’t quite as tall and he was leaning on a cane. He had the absolutely biggest smile on his face and he was teasing his brother. The tallest boy was carrying a stack of books slung around his shoulder. It seemed like he was carrying enough books for both of them.
I know the twin who has cerebral palsy will still have many hurdles to climb but the vision of two strong boys blessed me ever so much!
We believe God is love. We’ve seen God’s love in action.
Day after day, month after month, miracle after miracle, we’ve see God’s love in action.
All I can say is thank you God. Thank you for your great love for us!
Spiritual Practice: God’s Love
Think of a time when you saw God’s love in action. Be thankful and love God.
In God, Deborah