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Promise of Refuge

Writer's picture: DeborahDeborah

Series: Call Me

Psalm 91:9-11 ESV

Revelation 3:20 Phillips

Throughout the last 60 years God has been teaching me the “way” by communicating to me via dreams, visions, and words.  In my early years (pre-teen) it was mostly through nighttime dreams.

Once I started to see (or really once my dad started to see) that the dreams came true, God gave me visions as well. I was so uncertain of what was happening that I didn’t know what to think. Thankfully, my dad did know and he was able to teach me…guide me to a point of understanding.

Psalm 91:9-11 says:

“Because you have made the Lord your dwelling place—    the Most High, who is my refuge—

no evil shall be allowed to befall you,    no plague come near your tent.

For he will command his angels concerning you    to guard you in all your ways.”

One of the key things my dad taught me was to make God my dwelling place.

In other words…sit with God.

Try not to think. When you have a thought come that is not related to God, give it wings and let it fly away. Then return thoughts back to sitting with God, dwelling with God, and allowing God to be the center of life.

By experience I know God will not force me. God is gentle and gently offers.

When I was young it was difficult to see or feel God’s gentleness, but in time and by dwelling with God it became very clear. Now 60 years later by God’s grace when I turn thoughts to God I dwell in God.

God is ever so gracious to let us in when we knock.

The  Phillips Translation for Revelation 3:20 puts it well, “See, I stand knocking at the door. If anyone listens to my voice and opens the door, I will go into his house, and dine with him, and he with me.”

God stands ready at all times.

God is waiting for us.

If we listen (or when we listen) for the voice of God that is continuously calling us that opens the door to God. God will not force us to listen or to come.

We choose.

The Psalmist goes on to tell the reader that God IS our refuge.

When I was younger I thought that meant when we turn to God and we focus on God THEN God is our refuge. I no longer believe that.

That’s because God is omnipresent. The definition of omnipresent tells us God is constantly encountered or IS everywhere at the same time.

Since man is finite that concept can be difficult to understand. So, theologically I believe it really depends on our intend. Since God is Omniscient (all knowing). God knows at all times the nature of our intent. If our intend is to include God in our life, God knows that.

However if we are sitting on the fence and we aren’t certain we want God to know us, God will give us space. God never forces us to believe.

I choose. You choose. If you want God to be your refuge, God will be your refuge.

The Psalmist goes on to tell us when we choose God evil will not be in charge of our life and no plague will come near us.

In verse 11 the psalmist turns the reader to the point of blessing.

When we choose God the command is given to Angels to gusted us in all, our ways.


When I was 22 years old in 1975 Billy Graham published his book, “Angels - God’s Secret Agents” and I read it cover to cover several times. I cried. I had dreamed about Angels and had visions about Angels. Scripture tells us that Angels protect us from danger (Genesis 19) and they make us aware of what God is about to do (Genesis 21). And angels are mentioned in the New Testament in reference to the end times.

In Psalm 148:1-2 we are told,

“Praise the Lord!Praise the Lord from the heavens;    praise him in the heights!

Praise him, all his angels;    praise him, all his hosts!”

In the book Graham wrote, “We faced dangers every day of which we are not even aware. Often God intervenes on our behalf through the use of His angels.”

There is an organization in south Kansas City MO that I’ve prayed with and have visited numerous times through the years. I especially remember walking into their worship area one night when I was there for a conference. I was overcome with a sense of power and I saw a host of very large angels surrounding the worship area. At the time I thought they were an army of warring Angels. They WERE standing guard!

Spiritual Practice: Refuge

Let God protect your heart and mind.

In God, Deborah


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I am a child of God. I can’t remember when God wasn’t part of my life. I served in a church setting for 30+ years and now I seek to help others see and find their sacred space. Daily when we turn to God we begin to recognize where God is at work in our lives.


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